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  • HeLa Project – Title: The Science of teaching Science – Cayetano Heredia University, Peru         

  • International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2021 Congress | Instituto Mexicano de Ingenieros Químicos del Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Tamaulipas de la Red De Universidades Anahua | Title: From apprentice to mentor, my journey to a career in STEM      

  • Mi Plan y Método Services | Instgram Live | Title: El plan y método de una científica talk (Link

  • Vocational Orientation Talk at Trener High School | Vocational guidance on STEM careers to high school students in Peru

  • Chapa Tu Beca | Facebook live | Title: The importance of Mentorships. (Link) (In SPAN)  

Outreach: Welcome


I enjoy sharing my career journey with future scientists.

•    Girls for Change – Panel guest speaker – University of Piura, Peru
•    Latina in STEM interview by students from North Salem High School, Oregon
•    SciTeens Professional Interview
•    DiscoverPhDs | Interview about my PhD journey. (Link)

Inspiracion Vocacional | Interview about my journey as a #FirstGenrationPhD (Link) (In SPAN)   

Outreach: HTML Embed
  • LinkedIn
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